Dietitian Mate
Preconception Diet Plan
The combination of dietetic and TCM treatment helps more couples to increase chances of get pregnant.
Suitable: Natural Conception/Plan for IUI or IVF
14/21/28-day Preconception Diet Plan
Due to irregular diet and lifestyle pattern, hormonal imbalance is common among modern females. In the dietary guide, we have formulated different meal menu recommendations for different body types to better adjust the internal environment to improve egg quality. We will also provide some suggested recipes to make it easier for everyone to prepare and increase the pregnancy rate.
1x Online Nutrition Consultation
You may not know how to truly maintain your health by looking at the menu alone, so we have added a one-time nutrition consultation service for you who are confused. We hope that through our professional 1-1 nutrition consultation, we can help you better understand your personal health status and work better with the meal plan towards health goals.
1x TCM Consultation
Apart from that, we also provide one-time professional TCM consultation service. Physical conditions can be better diagnosed through professional consultations, rather than blindly supplementing dietary supplements. We can arrange online or offline consultation mode.