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3天 PCOS 课程 (3-Day PCOS Course)

我们了解PCOS常常伴随着许多困扰,例如月经不调、不孕、肥胖、严重痤疮和脱发问题。因此我们决定开办这个课程提供一些生活方针给你们。 通过课程,你将学习到: 1)深入了解PCOS的成因以及它对身体的影响。 2)生活方式管理:如何通过营养、运动和压力管理改善生活质量。 3)实用轻松的饮食小技巧,提高减重成功率。 4)如何通过正确的饮食作息提高备孕几率。 课程内容包括: 1) 9堂录制影片学习,还有重点整理PDF 2) 专属PCOS Whatsapp 群组,随时更新知识 3)特别提供适合女性保养的营养食谱 4)优惠价报名:线下营养与心理工作坊 5)课后还有小测验,完成即可得到学习证书(Learning Certificate) 无论是刚被诊断,还是已经管理PCOS多年,希望我们的课程能够帮助到你。 备注:课程内容将会以华文为主。 PCOS Nutrition Course is a self-paced online nutrition course designed to help women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) manage their symptoms through nutrition. This course is ideal for women dealing with irregular periods, infertility, obesity, severe acne, and hair loss. Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage these symptoms through dietary changes. The program covers the basics of PCOS,how lifestyle management can improve your quality of life. You will receive nutritional guidelines throughout the life cycle, and practical tips for sustainable dietary changes. The course also includes :video tutorials, downloadable guides, and interactive quizzes to support your learning. Besides, we will provide complementary nutrition recipes which beneficial in female health. Another extra benefit to you: Special discounted price for joining our female health workshop ! Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been managing PCOS for years, this program offers valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve better health outcomes. Join us to nourish your body and reclaim your well-being.

MYR 280.00
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