Dietitian Mate
16-8 Intermittent Fasting
We decided to provide a simple version of 16-8 diet plan so that people who want to try it can perform it in the correct way and reduce the harm to the body.
Not suitable: Those with health diseases / Gastric problems **
14/21/28-day 16-8 Diet Plan
By limiting the time you eat, you can reduce your caloric intake throughout the day and help achieve weight loss. In order to reduce the occurrence of other health risks, we decided to provide you with a simplified version of the 16-8 intermittent diet menu. Our meal guide provides a suitable schedule and food suggestions for easy execution.
1x Online Nutrition Consultation
You may not know how to truly maintain your health by looking at the menu alone, so we have added a one-time nutrition consultation service for you who are confused. We hope that through our professional 1-1 nutrition consultation, we can help you better understand your personal health status and work better with the meal plan towards health goals.